5 Less Known Facts About ICD Dadri Port

Dadri Port

To facilitate the seamless movement of goods, adequate transport infrastructures are required. World commerce heavily depends on maritime trade. Besides, trade also requires innovation to stimulate its growth with help of hinterland logistics networks. One such modern logistics centre is called Inland Container Depots (ICD), also known as dry port. In this world of the multi-model logistics network, ICDs act as the hub of the supply chain. It is a common user trade facility equipped with fixed establishments that offers assistance for handling the interim storage of export/import loaded and empty containers. All the activity is carried under custom departments along with other competent agencies to clear goods, re-export, warehousing, temporary storage during transit.

ICD is mainly located in the hinterlands and connected by rail or raid to the gateway of the port. One such promising logistics hub is ICD Dadri, strategically located in Noida, Easternmost of Uttar Pradesh. It meets the trade requirements of Northern India. As we know, southern India is flourished with world-class seaports, so there was an urgent need to provide backup support to the huge trade potential of Northern India.

Some Interesting Facts About ICD Dadri

ICD Dadri was the flagship investment of CONCOR, not just for its premium location, but also induction of modern technology that amplifies convenience to trade. The absence of a resourceful logistics outlet and lack of infrastructure hinders the growth of the hinterland. Most of the trade logistics were limited to coastal ports, like Mumbai and Gujarat. This adds to congestion, the unease of doing business and inefficiencies to coastal ports. The inception of ICD Dadri enables the landlocked region to become more prosperous. Here are some fascinating facts about ICD Dadri port:

  • It is the first private ICD, a joint venture between AMP Terminals Services and CONCOR. Started in 2004, it is popularly known as Star Stack Terminals Private Limited. The primary objective was to stimulate the advancement of trade in the northern region, which has immense trade potential and also to reduce the extra burden of coastal ports.
  • It has a tremendous strategic advantage facility, located just 250 meters from CONCOR rail line. This port is also well connected with state and national highways that help to maintain the continuous flow of containers to the required seaport. Post commencement of the port, the region has witnessed exponential growth meeting the demand for effective business solutions.
  • Its multimodal facility house is managed by advanced technologies that enhance the quality of business. This port has pioneered innovations and next-level operational superiority which is adherence to global safeguards. Expanding over 68,000 square meters, the facility includes an online and mobile tracking network of the containers, token management and EDI connectivity. This is the first ICD to introduce RFID technology that helps in locating containers.
  • It has introduced unique open yard bonding, the first online ICD in India to have this facility. Under this concept, the clients are provided with storage in containers which reduces various extra costs including deferment and detention. The clients of open yard bonding include the leaders in the sector like auto parts, chemicals and electronics.
  • ICD Dadri is a gift for the apparel retail business. Several garments industries flourish in North India. Lack of resourceful channels hinders the growth of garments sectors. Now, Dadri has become the export-import hub of retail garments businesses.

A robust economy requires uninterrupted demand and supply of goods. Now, ICD Dadri has become a vital juncture for trade and logistics business. It has enabled the passage for the hinterlands goods to reach across various countries like the UK, US, Canada, Russia and to the middle east nations.