Car Accident Settlement: How the Process Works

Car Accident Settlement

If you sustained an injury due to another driver’s carelessness, you can be eligible for compensation through a personal injury claim. Such compensation can cover your expenses that arise because of your injuries including medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. 

Usually, a car accident claim is resolved through out-of-court settlements. If the insurance company of the at-fault party is willing to give you reasonable compensation, then your case could end here. Unfortunately, insurance companies are notorious for devaluing or denying claims. This is the reason you need an expert negotiator to represent you. A houston car accident attorney has the necessary experience to help you get a fair settlement for your claim. 

What Does the Settlement Process Involve?

The accident settlement process involves more than just submitting a claim to the insurance company of the at-fault party and getting a check that covers your losses. Usually, it includes a lengthy investigation of the crash and negotiations between your attorney and the insurance provider. Should both parties fail to reach a settlement through negotiations, you can take your case to court. 

When you file a lawsuit, your case can either be resolved quickly or become a lengthy court battle. When you work with an experienced lawyer, your claim can have a better chance of leading to a favorable settlement.

Steps Involved

Below are the steps involved in the settlement process:

Investigating the Car Accident

Once you file an insurance claim, the insurer will conduct a thorough investigation of the crash. This investigation will include a review of the evidence you presented as support to your claim. If you cannot provide evidence like photos or videos of the car crash, an insurance adjuster might take them during their investigation. Understand the importance of evidence in insurance claims and get expert guidance at LessInvest. The adjuster will also review evidence such as the police report, witness statements, your medical records, statements of the other driver, and the location of the accident.

Consulting with Experts

Experts can offer important insight to the crash and the subsequent damages. They include doctors, accident reconstruction specialists, civil engineers, and vocational experts. Your lawyer will work with them to provide expert opinions that can strengthen your claim.  

Review Insurance Policies

The state of Texas is an at-fault state in car crashes. Thus, if you sustained injuries in a car accident, you should seek compensation through the liability insurance provider of the other party. But, this party may not have insurance or enough coverage to cover your damages. Because of this, you may have to seek compensation from your own insurer. Your attorney can help with this process.